Installation Centers

Auto Addict USA - LA/Orange County
Auto Addict USA offers a wide variety of services including full builds, parts installations, painting services, performance modifications, custom projects and works with all major insurance companies
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Palladium Auto Body - San Francisco Bay Area
Palladium Auto Body offers a variety of installation and painting services and is known for high quality automotive aftermarket parts installations.
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Paragon Performance - Waukee, IA
The Mecca for C8 Owners. Paragon Performance is a premier dealer and installation center for Auto Addict USA. They offer a wide variety of installation services for your Corvette C8.
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Phastek Performance - Houston, TX
Phastek was founded by Auto Enthusiasts, for Auto Enthusiasts! Phastek was launched in 2009 as the best place to modify your 2010-2015 Gen 5 Camaro.
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